The informational Bylaws and Declaration explanations, among other topics, spilled out to the participating Residents at the Meeting on Thursday; however, Residents’ questions created a bumpy road for the Board’s spun explanations. As a result, the pointed questions eventually uncovered the truth of these proposed amendments. The most telling, as was not surprising, were that amendments 1 and 2 were changes that would increase the tenure of the Board Directors. The third amendment, which would affect a large portion of privately owned Aquarina property, was found to be in error in its legal description and in the amount of referenced property in the amendment.
It appears that the haste in assembling this vote resulted in a package of amendments that were not only self-serving, but lacked proper research, especially with the privately owned Aquarina property. It is so apparent with the daily email harassments to vote, that this Board has an agenda for itself with these amendments. Are the Residents and this private property owner being served in a fair and responsible manner?
We have a rushed vote with vague and self-indulgent explanations on matters that effect our founding documents, and a Aquarina landowner who finds himself in a defensive position because of a lack of the Board’s due diligence. The Board’s response is that the voting should continue, and we’ll fix things later. What? How about that the voting is suspended until the proper communication channels are set in place to determine what this vote is all about, and how it will affect the Residents, as a next step.
Remember this, we have been provided these amendments, which have been “promoted” and not sufficiently explained, not at the beginning of the voting process, but during the voting process with the daily email harassments to vote on them now. This amounts to dumping ballots before the date to vote. At the date to vote, and as it should be, the voting takes place, all the ballots are submitted, and a determination is made if the amendments have 1) a quorum for a vote and 2) whether they are voted to pass or fail.
It is so obvious that this whole scenario was devised to fool the Residents with an apparent official manner of voting, which in actuality was a scheme to cement the Board’s hold on the its position to continue its selfish and reckless agenda of squandering the Residents’ funds, and maybe play property chess with an individual’s hold on Aquarina land. None of this is good.
I vote NO on all the amendments with a turned in paper Ballot, and I won’t use or support computer based voting, which was implemented to facilitate this ruse.
More to come soon.