As we enter the second month of silence after the last ACSA Board Meeting where, among other announcements, we heard how the intention of the Board was to address the disabled and closed Lakeside Pool Area, e.g. by creating a bath house architectural plan, securing bids from contractors, etc. However, after weeks and weeks the Pool Area appears to remain unchanged and continually deserted, and no communication to the Pool Neighborhoods has occurred. At least a proposed timeline on how the ACSA would proceed, could have provided the Pool Residents a proposed path from which these Residents could see a start for the Pool Area’s restoration process, i.e. an indication that something was being done. What we have at this point is no beginning and no end for what will occur in restoring the Pool Area. Hmm.
What can be offered proactively to kick-start some action, is to engage some Residents to participate in the LSP Committee who are pool advocates, and not as the present LSP Committee members appear to be, pool naysayers. Remember at the last Neighborhood Meeting, we were lectured with weak and unsupported evidence which attempted to show that the pool should be demolished. Further, the LSP Committee had no licensed pool contractor to support their position, but, on their own, as unlicensed laymen and nonprofessionals, they decided that the pool had to be demolished. Are we really surprised at the weeks and weeks of silence? The LSP Committee needs new blood in its membership to be proactive with the Pool Area, and maybe to be proactive with the ACSA.
The irony here is the Pool Neighborhoods will be paying for all the freight on this project, and they want it done ASAP, while the pool naysayers and the nonpaying ACSA are the source of silence and non-action. And oh yes, if there is action going on, then tell the Residents rather than planting seeds of silence, which causes unnecessary doubt and negative speculation.
The Pool Neighborhoods need to take action. The Presidents of these three neighborhoods, and its Directors, should unite as a motivation for action by engaging with the ACSA and, hopefully, a re-invigorated LSP Committee to move forward now with a plan, and keep the Residents updated on a regular basis.
The “elephant in the room” is how the cost for this project will be addressed. Initial costs will be generated to have architectural plans for the bath house. Has this occurred? Are the current pool reserves being used for this cost? Contractor bids on the agreed plans will create the cost for a new bath house, and bids for the minor paver repair should provide a total amount. A determination of how this amount will be paid also needs to be addressed. Where are we in this process? Silence does not help the cause.
In all three Pool Neighborhoods there are units for sale and units for rent. Sellers and Landlords are obligated to disclose the Lakeside Pool matter to prospective Buyers and Renters. Unfortunately, there is no written disposition on what is happening with the Pool Area. A simple written timeline with a brief explanation of the planned renovation process from a joint statement by the ACSA and the LSP Committee is a simple first step. This statement can show that the current closed Pool Area is currently being addressed to have its restoration and its access for use completed asap. Failing to provide this public statement to the three Pool Neighborhoods is resulting in potential Buyers and Renters walking away from a sale or a rental from the these Pool Neighborhood unit owners. The rights to sell and to rent are being damaged and infringed upon these owners from what could be said is a manufactured silence.