HOA’s can be a political entity, which is not unusual; however, the magnitude of this entity can range from a base of fair and responsible behavior, or it can grow into a monster of dictatorship and selfishness for a few at the expense of the majority. The entity can be structured into four groups, and behave as an influencer, or a none influencer. Let’s look at these four structures and their interaction.
- The Aquarina Residents – The compliant majority. Structure 1
- The Cabal – the source for Aquarina’s selfish direction for some, but not for all. Structure 2
- The ACSA Board of Directors – a group subject to Cabal control. Structure 3
- The Management Company – A tool of the Cabal. Structure 4
The Aquarina Residents are the base from where the four structures evolve; the Aquarina Residents (First Structure) being the largest of these structures have a voting majority, which they can use or not use. The Management Company (Fourth Structure) for the community is a structure, which in theory is selected, employed, paid, and directed by the HOA. The elected Board of Directors (Third Structure), is responsible for the direction and administration of the community, which is derived through, in theory, a fiduciary oath to, and decisions being made for, the good of the whole community. Finally, there is a Second Structure, which is the wild card of the four structures. Why? Because it can control and shape the presentation and character of the whole community. In addition, this structure, in its evolution, can exercise full control of the community, immune from any democratic voice or vote. It’s the Cabal, which is made up of members from the three other structures.
This Second Structure, the Cabal, is the one that needs a discussion, as it appears and functions here at Aquarina. Two incidents have occurred that demonstrate the strong armed workings of the Second Structure. The first was the Brassie Grille renovation, and the second is the Lakeside Pool ongoing process for a renovation. First, the Brassie Grille.
The original Brasie Grille was established as a comfort food sports bar to accommodate golfers, Residents, and as a bonus, the outside public, who had a place to go for a quick meal. A resident group emerged, which includes the golfers, the partygoers, and the AGI members. The AGI members run the golf and tennis operations, and the Brassie Grille. This resident group’s apparent desire was to embellish the Brassie Grille to better accommodate the group’s entertainment requirements. This now Second Structure behaves as a working Cabal in the community, making spending decisions for its wants. It infested the ACSA Board of Directors (the Third Structure) with a majority position for Board voting, and the Management Company (the Fourth Structure) which was implemented, as shills, to carry out its Cabal decisions into the community. A million dollars plus was spent on The Brassie Grille renovation without a vote from the Aquarina Residents (the First Structure, and also the Majority Structure). Why? A voting exercise for this expenditure was never provided, and the Aquarina Residents (First Structure) never organized to demand one. The Cabal (Second Structure), therefore, demonstrated an example of total control of the Aquarina community. This expansion of control has been accomplished by stacking the Board of Directors with Cabal members by aggressive voting participation with Director elections. The Aquarina Community (First Structure), and the majority Structure, has remained in a compliant position with all Cabal actions; however, hopefully, change may be on the way, since a number of the Cabal members either did run for Director, were not voted for in the last election, or resigned. Time will tell if the this compliant behavior will continue or change to a strong voice for the whole community.
Second, is the current Lakeside Pool fiasco, which exemplifies the boldness of the Cabal, who certainly became encouraged after seeing how The Brassie Grille renovation could so easily be foisted on the Aquarina Residents’ backs. Those that follow this Blog are well aware of the details of this “Taking” from the Pool Residents, i.e. Egret Trace, Blue Heron, and Spoonbill Villas, representing 68 units with over 130 Resident owners.
The majority Aquarina Board of Directors (Third Structure) endorsed and directed the Management Company (Fourth Structure), as shills, for its overthrow of the Pool’s control. Misinformation, coercion, selected and construed facts, and snubbing of the 130 plus Pool Residents was cast upon these Pool Residents. Further, the ACSA attorneys were used to substantiate the Management Company’s dialogue of dictatorship. As we know, attorneys can be paid to do what their clients want them to justify, whether what is justified is fair or not, and the Cabal, using these abusive tactics through the Management Company, remained in control, and bullied the Residents with their deceitful ways.
The best example of the ACSA’s abuse to the Pool Residents was the ignoring of the Pool Residents’ straw poll vote by email to repair the Bath House and the minor paver and pool matters. All this could have been accomplished within a month’s time at less than half the current cost of an unnecessary renovation of the whole Pool Area. This 75% majority vote of the Pool Residents all voted 100% for this approach. An establish Brevard County licensed building contractor surveyed the Pool Area and read the engineering report, and made the repair opinion for a month’s time to make the repairs. The Management Company shill spokesperson simply responded with a “We don’t support that approach” , without a word of explanation to an apparent compliant Resident Pool Committee. The Cabal had spoken.
Keep in mind that the Pool Area was gifted by the original developer to the ACSA. This occurred over 30 years ago. During those past 30 plus years the Pool Residents had overseen the Pool Area just like Tidewater and Ocean Dunes have overseen their pools.
The Pool Area should have been deeded solely from the developer to the three Pool Neighborhoods; it did not occur. The Pool was managed, maintained, and the costs were paid by the Pool Neighborhoods. The ACSA, for over these 30 years, was a silent partner, until the Cabal takeover, where with pretenses of misinformation, exaggerations, and deception by a group of Cabal selected Pool Residents that were unlicensed and laymen shills. The Cabal claimed mismanagement of the Pool Area to justify the takeover. All facts of mismanagement were construed, and any explanation to counter the misinformation was ignored, in addition, those explaining the truth were removed or prevented from participating in the new Pool Committees. The Cabal took the Pool Area, and was in control of the compliant constituents, who were selected to be on this new Pool Committee. Their positions were to be an audience to the Cabal, and to follow with Cabal directed procedures to start and complete the Pool Area renovation. An assessment of $4,800 for each of the 68 Pool units was levied, without a Pool Resident vote. Remember, these Residents did vote on repair that would occur within a month, at less than half the assessment cost, which the Cabal ignored without an explanation.
Also keep in mind that the ACSA deed to the Pool Area is not exclusive to the ACSA, in that other names are mentioned as participants on the deed, i.e. the three Pool Neighborhoods and over 130 Residents from 68 units. Per the deed, these Residents have exclusive use, maintain, manage, are responsible, and pay the costs for the Pool Area. The ACSA is not mentioned for any of these conditions. With this type of deeded use, would it be expected that the Pool Residents have a voice with what will be determined, and the costs, for the Pool Area? The Cabal (Second Structure) offered NO, and the Pool Area has been closed for an unnecessary nearly three years.
These Four Structures, all interact in a political climate. It’s unfortunate how three of the Structures have used manipulation for power and control over the First Structure, The Aquarina Majority. The irony is that this largest Structure, is the one being controlled and manipulated. Obviously, at this juncture, compliance continues. Will this Aquarina Majority awake and exercise its potential? Maybe our coming Board of Directors’ election may provide a new course of behavior, where fairness, fiduciary responsibility, and doing what’s best for all the Aquarina Residents will emerge.