Aftermath to the Meltdown

Another Bully Moment

 With many people, when they are found in a position of no reasonable and truthful defense of their behavior, they become loud, rude, and one sided when an opportunity of discussion of ideas presents itself.  This is what was seen last night at the Board meeting where the Board President exhorted from his pulpit all the Board’s unjustified and unsubstantiated actions within the Aquarina Community.


  •  A Board President should show dignity, and openness to discussion and debate when Residents have an alternative point of view. The slide show demonstration was more a political campaign of propaganda then a measured and corroborated response to the Residents’ concerns with the direction the Board is taking the community with its personal agenda.  The Residents have questioned the Board’s behavior with facts of law. The Board’s retort has been personal and baseless in law – a problem.
  • The Meeting had been arranged for folks to speak their concerns. From what was seen, the three minute period for Residents to individually speak was interrupted and further discussion was stifled. This is a Bully tactic – a problem.
  • Scolding a fellow Board member in front of the community is egotistical for the one who scolds, and shows a childish and shameless behavior by the Board President. Again, a Bully tactic – a problem.
  • A Board President has a responsibility to be a positive leader, encourage open discussion when there is a discourse of divergent views, and obey the rules and laws that form the foundation from which the community is governed. It can be summarily argued that this type of responsibility has not been adhered to by the current Board President.

The slide show defense presented at the Meeting and allegedly being included in the Board’s newsletter will be anxiously awaited for a Voice detailed response.

Let Your Voice Be Heard Tonight

Residents –

Do not allow the Board to deny any of your requests without justifying them with a statement of law.  Remember, that all your requests ARE be based on law.

Unfortunately, on Sunday I had to leave for a prescheduled annual physical at the Cleveland Clinic, and I could not attend the meeting.  As always, I look forward to your future comments.