Here are the facts –
The Board President responded to resident questions concerning this Blog and another resident’s written concerns with what the Board has been doing. The Board President’s response was that the Board’s attorneys said that the Blog’s and the resident’s written concerns were without merit. This is not the case. Ask your Board why a meeting was called with the attorneys.
Remember, this Board has a history of untruths, e.g. the Building Permit Applications applied with the pretense for storm and other repairs when in fact Applications were for renovations costing much more of our funds then was stated. Is an over $40,000 new mower washer a repair? Is moving the current work out facility necessary with all the now inherent costs with the move a repair?
The Board behaves like a bully. Tonight’s Meeting exemplified this behavior. Residents speak, and are ignored and rudely spoken down. Questions are not directly answered and the truth of the answer, based on Board actions, cannot be counted on for credibility.
Folks, please access the Aquarina By-Laws and CC&R’s from the Aquarina website. The truth of what this Blog speaks is there to be seen and read. If another assessment is hoisted on us at the next Board Meeting, then we must say resoundingly NO!
It is suggested that these documents, i.e. the By-Laws and CC&R’s, be brought to the next Meeting and referenced to the Board.
Much more to come!
Why weren’t you or Gary at the meeting to publicly counter the board’s comments?
Thanks for the comment. Your question is certainly understandable. I am on Maui now and have been for the past week on business. I am glad to hear that some folks stood up and voiced their concerns. I believe the Board is finally seeing the community is beginning to question the Board’s behavior with the residents’ funds.
This is a very stupid question. If you were at the last meeting which was fumbled and improperly noticed you would have seen mr Parrish there. He probably did not anticipate a board notice screw up causing him to appear the following week when he was away on business. Mr Luft is away on business as apparantley 4 board members were who were a no show at meeting. Should we not have a rule that all board members be permanent residents so they appear for all board meetings??????? Their attendance was a joke and I am not sure it was a proper meeting anyway since they dropped offline through most of meeting. Was there then a quorum to actually conduct business. There were no board comments to publicially counter since board president , pollack, lawyered up and took the fifth amendment. Good for him as he has a good lawyer ACSA is pAying for through your assessments. Enough is enough. Let’s start a formal petition to remove them so we save our subdivision and property.
I was at the first meeting which was cancelled and saw Gary. It was not a stupid question. My ESP isn’t quite up to speed, therefore, I had no way to know the reason for their absence. YOU are very rude and your rudeness does nothing to help this community.
Why was not the majority of board there (4 absent not there) ? Why? Was there even a quorum. What I saw was pat pollack lawyering up and not responding. He needs to lawyer up with Gary Parrish’s summary. But tell him to get his own lawyer at his expense and not take our assessment dollars for his lawyer up. We are in crisis now. Get rid of these people now
A $40,000 lawnmower car wash? Really. Will that really bring in more rounds of golf play. Will people really say let’s go play aquarina golf because they have a $40,000 lawnmower car wash. We have to stop the crazy spending right now. How can a $40,000 brand new state of the art lawnmower car wash be construed an emergency repair allowing board to proceed without community vote. Aquarina we have a problem.
Yes we do.