Has the Irrigation Well for the Golf Course Been Fully Vetted?
Here are some thoughts and questions to consider with this large capital investment.
- There should have been a documented professional cost benefit analysis for the addition of this common element to the Aquarina Community. This documented analysis should be available for review by the Residents.
- There will be consequences if this well is put in place, e.g. Aquarina Utilities will lose a significant revenue center, and the loss will need to be compensated by acquiring more business and or raising its rates. The Public Service Commission regulates this utility and will permit its rates to reasonably increase for it to stay in business. Among the areas for increase would be Aquarina’s residential potable water rates. Has this scenario been investigated?
- Per our By-Laws, any loan amount over $50,000 needs to be voted on by the Residents. Considering all the Residents’ funds that support and subsidize the AGI businesses, the cost of this well will certainly require a significant loan placed on the backs of the Residents. Based on how the President and the Board have operated in the past with spending our money, do you believe they will offer the loan up for a community vote? Hmm.