Well, Well, Well . . . so many questions about the Irrigation Well
- We are told that the savings from the irrigation expense is about $103,000 per year; the net cost of the yearly golf course irrigation. Actually, all sorts of numbers were thrown out to decipher. The most favorable ones for the well were used, to be fair and unbiased.
- We are told that the AUI rate increase for potable water to the Residents for the lost irrigation revenue is estimated to be $40,000 per year. How was that determined? A direct quote from AUI? AUI loses $103,000 and makes it up with $40,000? Hmm.
- We are told that the total savings for Aquarina in 20 years is $875,000. Let’s see – that is $43,750 per year. The potable water increase, we are told should be $40,000 per year. Remember that rate is from whom? It certainly is subject to increases over the next 20 years. It’s like a wash at the very best. So we have a well and all its infrastructure to maintain as a common element, an added common element by the way, attained without a community vote.
- We played Spessard Holland, up the road, which is the same cost per round as Aquarina Golf. The difference in the two courses is obvious, one is amply watered and maintained. Guess which one appears not to be?
- The Residents subsidize Aquarina by 100’s of thousands of dollars annually. Among other expenses, Golf cannot afford the irrigation expense with the subsidy (look at the course) and now the Residents will pay for an irrigation well too. As we all know, Golf Rules while the rest of the community suffers.
- What engineering firm did a cost benefit analysis for the acquisition of an irrigation well? Where is analysis for it to be reviewed? Were bids put out to obtain a competitive price? Was AUI consulted with the decision for a well to maybe work out a compromise with the irrigation cost?
- As usual, and Board presents a spin with no convincing or any corroboration. This irrigation well presentation leaks of spin.
- Consider the placement of this well and its pumping action. Did you see any nearby residential housing that could be impacted from the photos in the email attachment?
- The irony of all this, is that Golf Rules, yet it continues to fail as a business and its standing, compared to other nearby courses, can be considered substandard. So sad.