Maybe Some Good Pool News Is Coming

I have been told that the architectural plans are underway for the Pool Area Bath House, as is the development of an approach to ensure the pool’s working condition.  In addition, the ACSA process of gathering the information from the planner and architect is hopefully near, at which time a communique will be sent out to the three pool neighborhoods. If all what I have been told is true, then this should be the first written explanation of the commencement of the Pool Area’s restoration. It would then be expected that this communique would be the first of a series of updates as this restoration proceeds.

From our previous experience with the ACSA, there is understandable hesitation to just hope for this new revelation rather than swallow it hook, line and sinker as a foregone conclusion of events to come. But what we do have is a self-proclaimed move by the ACSA describing a specific series of events which were now disclosed to occur.  Moving forward it would be best to hold hope and belief that these events will materialize, not doubt.

The revised LSP Committee, though helpful to a certain degree, had communication deficits, and a prejudicial and biased approach to the task that it was asked to do. A more balance attitude of its membership, and a less aggressive and a more open approach to in its interaction with the Residents would have been helpful. Hopefully, if this Committee continues, its membership makeup will be less dictatorial, and more positive to quickly restore our Pool Area.

Now that the ACSA has spoken with specific actions, we need to keep this dialogue ongoing with paced inquiries.  The number of weeks that has passed with silence about the pool was not fulfilling an ACSA responsibility to keep the three pool neighborhoods apprised of what was being done to restore the Pool Area.  Remember this whole matter did not get off to a positive start with a revised LSP Committee that was behaving in a biased and self-serving way on a mission to show why the Pool Area had to be demolished.

We need to be diligent that any pool work is not done by unlicensed laymen, but is done by licensed contractors. It’s these unlicensed laymen that determined, without any licensed contractor advise and input, that the Pool Area needed to be demolished. It’s incumbent on the Residents of the pool neighborhoods to bird dog the pool restoration process and speak out if information is not forthcoming with this process, or if licensed contractors are not overseeing the work.

Let’s hope that this latest communication from the ACSA will be the start of an action of dialogue and disclosure as the updating of our Pool Area proceeds. Complacency and a head in the sand attitude will feed the silence that has been suffered by the three Pool Neighborhoods up to now.

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