The Lakeside Pool Continues Its Downward Spiral as the Old Cabal Remains in Control. For Aquarina, the Same Old, Same Old, Remains in Place.


Let it first be said that we are thankful to be spared from any major damage here in Aquarina from the past storm, and we are also thankful to the in-house Residents who have assisted in the cleanup.  Now for some revisited comments that we should not forget.

Adding insult to injury, the resigned ACSA President and his cohort, who oversees the Lakeside Pool renovation, and who also is selling his Aquarina property, have both requested to remain in their positions in order to “complete their work” with the Lakeside Pool. Remember, it’s now been nearly two years of having the Lakeside Pool unnecessarily closed for this extended period of time. This is no less than a “hit and run”, which appears as a haughty request to return to finish their bullying deed on the Pool Neighborhoods. These Neighborhoods have been misled with the status of the Pool, for nearly two years, and have now been forced into huge Pool expenses and an assessment, without any ACSA invited input.  The ACSA’s “taking” of the Pool from the Pool Neighborhoods was done in this bullied fashion with misinformation as justification for the taking.  It was an autocratic power play of crafted deceit, with the uncovered truth of the situation being ignored by the ACSA. However, the ignoring became justified for the ACSA as it now appears that the majority ACSA Board was the source of this crafted deceit.

Now these two “Lame Duck” individuals want to finish their orchestrated scheme, certainly directed and sourced by the Deep State Cabal, to secure the Lakeside Pool takeover, with this indulgent and unnecessary expense. Remember, too, the ACSA President’s slip of the lip, when at an ACSA Meeting, he revealed no Reserve Fund was established for the Lakeside Pool, since it was intended to be demolished, as the ACSA’s shills and henchmen endorsed, when disclosing their unsupported, unlicensed, and laymen mis-informed findings to the shocked Pool Neighborhoods. The scam was set, and the Pool Neighborhoods lost their repairable Pool.  Repairable, as determined by a long tenured and well respected licensed Building Contractor, which most likely would have been $150,000 less than the cost with which the Pool Neighborhoods are now strapped to pay.

Further, last October of 2023, this licensed Florida building contractor, with decades of Brevard County experience, explained that the pool remediation process could be done within a month. A professional tarping of the Bath House roof would be completed until a scheduled roofer would do the roof replacement. The tarping done by the unlicensed laymen soon became undone, and the roof remained in an exposed condition. The ACSA refused to have Pool Area remediation done as explained by the licensed Building Contractor, saying that this course of action was not supported, with no explanation as to why. Hmm. 

In an email poll of all the Pool Neighborhoods, a majority of all the neighborhood units voted 100% YES to have the licensed Building Contractor do the work to open the Pool Area.  This vote was ignored and not commented upon. These Pool residents, per our By-Laws, are responsible to maintain the Pool Area, pay all the costs of the Pool Area, and have exclusive use of the Pool Area, all which have occurred for over 30 successful years without incident.  This past history has now been ignored by the ACSA, and the ‘Taking” of the Pool Area has now been fulfilled.

It would be expected, that as a result of the elapsed time with no pool to use, an urgency to commence the renovation would be pushed by the ACSA Board. Remember the ACSA President’s promise that “all hands are on deck” with the pool renovation. With a signed pool renovation contract signed in August, and a paid deposit by the Pool Residents, building permits, as recently checked, are still not in place to commence the pool work. Remember, too, that the renovation contract provides two years to complete the pool work. This is a sense of urgency to restore the “Taken” Pool amenity?

The Pool Residents continue to be abused from the misled information for the “Taking” of the pool, and now the “slow walk” with the renovation process. Further, $100,000 has been set aside by the ACSA for pickle ball courts. Who planted this expense to be foisted on the Aquarina Residents? Keep in mind there are public pickle ball courts five minutes down the road at the County Park. Consider that the Bocci court would be eliminated for these pickle ball courts. What about those Bocci players? Consider the Beach Club elevator still has not been repaired; it’s been that way for over a decade. Consider the promised Aquarina Community Pool, another Resident amenity that was “taken” away.

Hopefully, the current ACSA Board will be aware of these past and ongoing self-serving actions, and provide a corrective course of actions for all the Aquarina Residents, especially the Pool Residents, all of whom have been ignored, and all of whom have been damaged and injured, by the “Taking” of the Pool, and now its slow walked renovation.

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