The Board’s Adolescent and Selfish Behavior Harms Us All

When this Blog emerged several months ago, it was meant to offer an alternative opinion on the ongoing status of Aquarina, and it offered a platform for folks to voice their point of view.  It was meant to create a community dialogue; it was not designed to be one sided. The current Visitor Count to the Blog since its inception has surpassed 18,000 Visits.  Its existence has only been publicized to Aquarina Residents, and not to the general public.

Informational Posts have been offered in the Blog for the Residents to be apprised of community and general HOA matters.  Among the Posts had been daily announcements of The Brassie Grille’s Lunch and Dinner Specials.  These Posts were appreciated, which offered the Residents an easy and convenient way to check on the Brassie Grille’s daily menu items for which to come over and enjoy.  These daily Posts generated anywhere from 50 to 200 Resident visits a day on the Blog.  It was great for The Brassie Grille, and it was great for the Residents.

However, several weeks ago, the Board decided that The Brassie Grille was to no longer provide the Daily Lunch and Dinner Specials to the Blog.  Why?

It is very apparent that the pushing of an agenda with Bullying behavior, and no tolerance for a contrary opinion to the Board’s ways takes precedence over any positive assistance The Brassie Grille may have been offered to make it more successful.  The irony is that here is an AGI business that could be thriving on its own, which the Board obviously rejects.  Why?

The Brassie Grille is used by the Board as a perk for its disciples and acolytes.  The Brassie Grille’s potential to be self-sufficient as a business is not a Board concern or a goal. After all, the Residents will be funding and subsidizing The Brassie Grille and all of the other AGI businesses with $100’s of thousands of dollars each year.

And, oh yes, the specific financials of these AGI companies are not available to the Residents as they should be per Florida Statute, i.e. 720.303(4)(j)and1.  Hmm.