The Board majority has
spent nearly $200,000 of the Residents’ funds on basically newly installed sand
bunkers throughout the golf course, and now Hole 14 is being considered for a
new tee box to the tune of nearly $150,000.
Have you seen or heard of these expenses from the Board majority in the
posted Board Meetings, where Resident spending should be aired and
discussed? Note, for example, that
tennis court roof repairs, river dock repairs, and water fountain installation
are broached at a Board Meeting, all minor expenses relative to the unspoken
golf expenses.
BTW – sand bunkers are certainly near the bottom of the list of items to maintain on a golf course similar to the course we have at Aquarina. The money spent were the Residents’ reserve funds which are mostly meant to maintain the existing community common elements, e.g. roads, curbing, irrigation, drainage, buildings, beach stairways and decking, the river dock facility, and landscaping, etc. These common elements are crying out for better attention with their appearance and function, but are left wallowing in their abandonment for golf extravagances.
The presentation and the functioning of our common elements should be the priority of the Board majority, e.g. wood decking and stairs at the beach club area and at the river walkway area need yearly maintenance (e.g. an application treatment) to preserve their integrity and appearance. Neglect will result in replacement before their normal lifespan. Further, a suitable handrail at the south beach deck crossover stairway is way overdue as are suitable showers on these decks rather than a hand hose. Showers commensurate for a resort community like ours and proper handrails will service more folks in the community than rebuilt sand bunkers and a tee box.
Board majority selfishly spends the Residents’ Reserve Funds, meant for
maintenance and repair, on toys for, in their mind – “our” golf course, leaving
needed common elements to be ignored which lead to resultant failure. But, oh, no problem, we’ll just levy an
assessment on the backs of the Residents if the neglect of our common elements
causes a preventable failure.
current Board majority that is at the root of the reckless spending will have
their terms terminate at the new Board of Directors voting this coming winter,
2020. Trust me, the current Board
majority will be cultivating new minions, acolytes, and disciples, to run in
2020 to continue the cabal hijacking of our community.
Democracy will provide a means to vote in the next Board of Directors election,
where new faces can emerge, who will see the servicing of Aquarina for the
whole community and not just a small segment. Hopefully, a new group of
community minded Directors will be voted in to save and restore Aquarina from
its fall into a certain coming abyss of despair.