Will the Board’s Budget Address Its Stated Priorities?

This Blog applauds and salutes the current Board with what we, the Aquarina Community, have heard with its declared actions that are hoped to actually occur, i.e. the Brassie Grille expansion will be shelved for a re-evaluation, food trucks have been invited to the Brassie Grille parking lot for a period of time, and that the roadways of and the entrance to Aquarina will be priority items on which the Board will take action.  However, the question becomes – Will the Board take action on these needs in its budgeting or is this just noise and happy talk, and not signal and performance?  Aquarina requires the latter choice, i.e. signal and performance.

The food truck idea is a great and fun way to gather the community, and even better, it would be a revenue stream if a small fee was charged for the truck spaces in the parking lot.  This approach could be further applied to the Brassie Grille, where a restaurateur could be found to rent the Brassie Grille premises.  The Board could concentrate less on the restaurant business, e.g. employees, food ordering, etc., and more on the Aquarina Community.  Further, rent would be paid and our Reserves would not be spent on carrying the expenses of a restaurant, but be bolstered by rent revenue.  

Other than maintaining the infrastructure and the maintenance of the community, one of the single most important features that enhances a community like ours is its entrance and roadways. Aquarina’s entrance and roadways are tired, and in need of repair and upgrading.  It’s almost 40 years old and looks it; it needs to be addressed asap, even if it is in stages.  I have clients who question Aquarina’s appearance of its entrance and roadways, and ask why are they in such disrepair?  It can be a negative reflection and reaction on the status of the community, e.g. are there financial issues, are the Board of Directors irresponsible in how the Residents’ funds are spent? Folks coming into Aquarina now, who are paying big numbers for purchased homes, expect a better community presentation than what currently exists.  An uplifting of the roadways and entrance will add value to all the Residents’ properties.

The current Board, voted in by the Residents, has shown flashes, at this juncture, of a better path for Aquarina than the path of the previous Board, where Aquarina as a whole had been selfishly handicapped by a dictatorial few.  Democracy may have spoken in the election of the new Board Directors. It’s time for a change for the betterment of the whole community. What we see below must be addressed and go away. It’s way overdue.

May the Board be Seeing the Light?

A recent Board email to the Residents revealed the results of an Aquarina survey showing what priorities should be addressed in the community. Though the response was just under 40% of unit owners, a reaching out to the Residents for their input should be applauded. The interpretation of the completed survey, e.g. the priorities’ rankings, was skewed a bit with apparent boasting acknowledgement for past Board behaviors with its lavish one sided and not whole community based spending. However, was the buried lead that the Aquarina entrance and gating are now the priority? This Blog has been an advocate for the updating of the entrance and gating for years. May reason and “whole” community concerns now be the new Board’s focus?

More to come . . .

In What Direction Will The New Board Head?

It appears that a new Board President has been decided upon after the Organizational Meeting that followed the Board of Directors’ election. It seems that an existing Board Member was elected to be Board President. The newly elected President had previously offered an email before the election, which stated that the email could be shared with the community.  Let’s take a look some of what this email stated.  Our response is in red.

 Regarding the candidates below please be aware that one has sued us (Parrish) and one openly expressed repeatedly that he wanted to take legal action against us (Whidden). This information is not my opinion, it is public record.

It’s apparent in the community that these two individuals, which the email targets, must have strong opinions on some matters.  It’s also known that the Board practiced a lack of transparency with its finances, and enlisted attorneys who would support its position of none disclosure. The Board triggered the lawsuit and the suggestion of legal action.  It refused to open its financial documentation of spending to the Residents, which should be public records to the Community.  Why was this background information not included in the email?

Anyone who uses legal action against us as a way to deal with our Aquarina matters, challenges and conflicts is suing and hurting us all, you, me, themselves, all of us. Legal counsel costs impact the budget significantly. Lawyers can always argue both sides of any matters and it’s easy to throw claims around without actual proof. 

See above.  Why would a Board, whose fiduciary responsibility is to use the Residents’ funds with full disclosure, withhold information on these funds showing how these funds are spent?  This refusal to open the financial books only creates an assumption of spending abuse.  What we have is a situation where the Residents’ funds, ironically, are being spent to defend a Board from not complying with Florida Statutes. How selfish and non-fiduciary is that! The author’s email certainly supports the Board’s position without looking at both sides of the disagreement.

Therefore, I cannot support any candidate who has a mindset for legal action as it’s almost never in the best interest of the greater good.

Is the “the greater good” the non-disclosure of financial records to the Residents, without whom there would be no financial data?  It’s the Residents funds, which the data reports. Is it that only the Board, which spends funds of the Residents, has the sole access to the records of its spending?  Hmm.

Even with no legal standing, or if the claim  in not taken forward, suits cause financial losses, divisions and acrimony throughout a community as people become confused and angry in taking sides.

The sentence is not clear; however, the statement of “Even with no legal standing” is wrong and prejudicial. The author has shown a bias with no compassion for a community that seeks to see how their funds are spent.  Notice that no explanation is given on why the financial records are being kept away from public view.  As a reminder – the author is now the Board President.  Hmm. 

Nobody wins in the end and insurance rates can be impacted. Yes there will always be differences of opinions and that’s ok but working through our differences in a civil manner is what we’re challenged to do so again, I encourage you to vote thoughtfully. 

The author’s talking points here are the ones we’ve heard from the past two Board Presidents (the second one being an apostle and acolyte of the first one), which tells us that this President is yet another apostle and acolyte of the first one too.  Remember this is all spin, i.e. working through our “differences” is noise and not fact.  The Board has continued to do what it wants without regard to a whole community approach. Building reserves for future replacement and restoration, and current needed repairs, has given way to funding self-indulgent Betterments for the segment that has controlled the Board.

Vote for the candidates that you know will represent you and Aquarina, the community we all live in, best and for those who are willing to do the hard work of negotiating and finding compromises instead jumping in last minute in anger with threats and false accusations.

There has been no “finding of compromises”, only a refusal to address the questioning of the Board’s actions by inquiring Residents.  This refusal forced the Residents to seek legal counsel.

Talk to the candidates if you don’t know them. Who has demonstrated they have all of Aquarina in their best interests?  Are they role models? Do they respect all of the differences in the what our community has to offer, the ocean, golf, tennis, various events, a gym, a restaurant, bingo, card games, etc or they only favoring what they are personally interested in. I will never play tennis but I respect those who do and I’m glad for the amenity as it brings diversity of activity and people to Aquarina. It all adds value to our community. From my view point anyone willing to take legal action isn’t a person who will serve the community in the long run and doesn’t deserve your vote.  

This whole paragraph is noise and not signal; it is a political rant that has no truth of the facts, i.e. there are Residents who are more concerned about the infrastructure, finances, and presentation of their community than the fun items that have been itemized above.

Please fill free to share this email with whomever you chose. As an ACSA board member who is not running and only has one more year to serve I feel very passionate about this upcoming election and the impact it will have on all on our futures. Don’t vote for anger, discord, and narrow thinking. Serving on either board is a lot of hard work, and it involves respecting and honoring ALL people if you’re going to serve well. It should be a privilege to serve others that’s earned. Serving on the board not only requires dealing with the challenges of today but also planing for Aquarina’s future. Open our future up by voting for those who want to see Aquarina not just survive but thrive. 

The bold face ending sentence tells you everything you need to know about our new President. The Board’s primary responsibility is not to see Aquarina “thrive”.  The Board’s primary responsibility is to see Aquarina more than “survive”, but to be maintained in its original intention and presentation to its Residents without examples of neglect, i.e. with its roadways, entrance, signage, lighting, irrigation, Beach Club House upkeep, and its irresponsible spending for indulgent betterments, etc.

Though difficult, It’s been an honor and privilege to serve you and all of Aquarina these past three years. Thank you. 


Darlene Vrotsos



The bottom line is simple.  Will the new Board members speak up with reason to the irresponsible spending on betterments, the continued neglect of our infrastructure maintenance, and the non-priority of our reserve funds?  Or will these new Board members be cajoled and invited into the segment of folks the past Boards have manipulated into its apostles and acolytes? Hopefully, these new Board members will see their fiduciary responsibility to the Residents funds, and demonstrate a vigilant maintaining of the community we currently have, and not a community of what we could be, since what we could be is up to the Residents, and not the Board.

Stay tuned.

Director Candidates’ Posts are Welcomed.

Here is an unedited post from one of the Board Director Candidates. See it below. We invite any of the other Candidates to make a post where the Candidate can state their goals and their direction for the Aquarina Community. The “Leave a Comment” hyperlink on the Blog page can be clicked on to open a window to write your post.

Dear Neighbor,

I am running for a seat on the ACSA Board to bring back accountably and transparency to the Aquarina community.

Since our current and recent past ACSA Boards have taken the position that AGI is separate and do not need our vote to spend our money, have they mentioned to you that the Water Company was now sold? In addition, one past employee there said that our “wastewater recovery system” is barely working and that if it goes down, there is a six month wait for spare parts that are required, which could take down our water company. Besides an issue at your home, no sewage system would mean that the Brassie Grill could be closed for months. As a resident owner at Aquarina, you own and have a mortgage for the Golf course and Club, Brassie, Beach Club, and Tennis Club of over $2,000,000 all of us are responsible for. No funds coming in, could mean higher HOA fees. In addition, it was mentioned at the last meeting that if the business’s failed, that bankruptcy was a possibility.

Our current AGI Board thinks that they are allowed to suspend you from using our clubs and golf course without due process. As a HOA owner of these businesses, are you aware that our ACSA Board is required to get three non-board members to approve these actions after hearing the facts before they can suspend you?

Currently, there are really no benefits from spending your money with these businesses that you help pay for. Shouldn’t we have some advantages other than buying yearly memberships.

Many neighbors think I am running for the Board to stop any spending on the Brassie Grille. Nothing could be further from the truth. My running has to do with ACSA and AGI following the law, which they have not done according to a number of attorneys that are experts in dealing with HOA laws.

Vote to make sure you can review all financials and have a say in what is spent or even what chemicals are sprayed on the golf course.

Best Regards,


Gary L. Parish

Aquarina River Oaks

Beware. Will the Board of Directors’ Election Demonstrate Election Integrity?

As previously discussed, this Election may change the direction of the Aquarina Community if the Candidates with different policies than the current Board are voted to a position to create a new Board. It appears that the current Board is scrambling to hold its majority and policies, e.g. apparent confusing election process directions for voting, and a hurried vote for an assessment to the property owners for The Brassie Grille expansion at a Board Meeting, which overlaps the time period allotted for the voting Registration process. Hmm.

Here are some comments on the Board’s email to the Residents on the coming Election voting procedures.

Board comments are followed by our comments in red.

This communication is being sent to help clarify the proxy process for the upcoming annual meeting.

Dear ACSA Members,

This communication is being sent to help clarify the proxy process for the upcoming annual meeting. 

At the last board meeting we answered some questions in a general manner regarding the handling of proxies and have since asked the association’s counsel to provide further guidance on some of those questions and the applicable provisions in the governing documents. 

The following is applicable to the proxies for the upcoming annual meeting: 

  • Proxies may be used for quorum and voting 

Be Careful here – If a Proxy will be tendered to someone, (and it should not be a Board member if you are not in approval of the current Board’s policies, since that Board member will certainly place a vote for a like-minded Director Candidate to continue the Board’s majority), then the Proxy provider should mail in a Ballot, and write on the Proxy that a Ballot was mailed in.  I would think that there should be an ability to do this on the Proxy.  Providing a Proxy to a Board Member in particular, where the Member has a right to vote for whom the Member wants is self-serving to the Board, and is not election integrity.  Remember that this Proxy offers the ability to establish a Quorum AND vote. The Resident offering the Proxy to establish a Quorum should not lose the right to vote with this Proxy.

  • The Secretary, or other executive board member properly substituted for the Secretary, may hold and vote proxies – this includes votes cast in the election of directors

Be Careful here – Where is there a check and balance that limits the Proxy in voting? The Proxy holder should look at the sign-in Register which should show if the absentee Voting Member has voted by mail, therefore making the Proxy holder prevented from voting. Do you really want to provide a Board member your Proxy to vote if you’re not in agreement with the Board’s policies? The Board member will vote for Candidates that support the current Board.

  • No member, other than the Secretary or, other executive Board member, properly substituted for the Secretary, may hold or vote more than five (5) proxies

Be Careful here – Again, as stated above, if you are not in approval of the current Board’s policies, then do you want to tender a sitting Board Member your proxy to be able to vote five Proxies for a like-minded Candidate for the Board to ensure its majority?

  • Proxies must be received by the association at least one hour in advance of the meeting 

Be Careful here – Our Bylaws state 24 hours “before” the appointed time of the Meeting that Proxies should be submitted.  With all the moving parts of this Meeting, (e.g. the Election of Directors), the gathering, the counting, and entering of Proxies to the sign-in Register should be done in a less stressed time then the day of the Election; not minimal hours before the Meeting and the Election.

  • Only members present in person or by proxy count toward quorum, those in attendance by phone or Zoom will not count toward quorum

Be Careful here – Remember when we were told to email or bring the Proxy to the Meeting?  Why? This creates confusion.  You have signed the Register and you’re physically at the Meeting.  The Register should show if you sent in a proxy or mailed in a Ballot. May it be possible that the Proxy you brought in gets counted, and you get counted again as being there?  Hmm. As an example of this lax election administration, the last time there was an election of Board Director Candidates in the number that we have now with this same like-minded Board, I had mailed in a completed Ballot as directed, and was provided another Ballot upon my entry to the Meeting. Again, Hmm.

BTW – if as directed, you emailed your Proxy, then even more glitches can occur, e.g. a lost email. An emailed Proxy should be replied with a “Received” email to show it was delivered. With the emailed sent Proxy should be an included message stating for which Board Candidates the Proxy should vote, or the Proxy provider should document for the Proxy not to vote for anyone.  Now the Proxy is strictly for establishing a Quorum, and to address procedural matters at the Meeting, unless otherwise directed by the Proxy provider. Will this occur? Are received emailed Proxies noted on the Register of Property Owners?

The association has decided to take an ethical approach to handle the uncommon provisions in the governing documents that permit voting of a proxy by the Secretary, or other executive board member properly substituted. See question 3 and 4 of the FAQ’s below for more info.  

This statement sounds as a favor to the Residents; it’s the process that is expected for an HOA election, not a favor to the Residents.


1. If I submit a proxy (regardless of the designee) but attend the meeting in person, what will happen? 

As a voting member in attendance at the meeting you will count toward quorum and will be able to vote your own ballot. 

Be Careful – Here is the confusion.  Why bring the Proxy as directed, if you’ll physically be there, which will cause confusion.  To clean this possible confusion up, the Proxy should be deleted and destroyed at time of Registration sign-in to prevent any duplicates.

2. If I do not submit a proxy but attend the meeting in person, what will happen? 

As a voting member in attendance at the meeting you will count toward quorum and will be able to vote your own ballot. 

That’s a correct statement; however and hopefully, there was a Registration sign-in process in place to record the Resident Voting Member and provide the Member a Ballot.

3. If I do not attend the meeting in person and I submit a proxy designating the Secretary OR a Specific Individual as proxy, what will happen? 

It depends on whether or not you have submitted a ballot. If you have properly and timely submitted your ballot then your proxy holder will simply count toward quorum and they will not vote your ballot. Otherwise, your proxy holder will count toward quorum and is entitled to vote a ballot on your behalf.  

Be Careful here – You don’t want this situation to occur by tendering your Proxy where the Ballot “and” the Vote goes to a Board Member.  You should be sure to mail in a completed Ballot as directed, especially if you are not in favor of the current Board’s policies and want new Directors for a change in the Community.  Otherwise, the Board Member will vote for current like-minded Director Candidates for the Board to hold its majority.  Question – what is the process for the Board Member to determine if a received Proxy had mailed in a Voted Ballot or directed the Board Member not to vote?

4. Will the Secretary, or other executive board member, vote a proxy on behalf of a Voting Member, if a ballot has not been received for that Voting Member? 

This year the Secretary is a Candidate for the Board, running for re-election. The board has decided to take an ethical approach to address this provision in the governing documents that permit the Secretary, or other executive board member properly substituted for the Secretary, to vote as proxy for a voting member. Prior to this year’s Annual Meeting, the Board will approve an action substituting the Treasurer for the Secretary. As a result, the Treasurer will be the substituted executive board member who will hold any such designated proxies for quorum and voting, as applicable. This approach was provides an ethical solution to fulfilling the provisions of the governing documents and the duties of the proxy. 

Be Careful here – Having someone other than a current Director running as a Director Candidate handle the Proxies is not a favor to the Residents, but a must, ethically. It is well known that in this Election the current Board is in danger of losing their majority position because many of the Director Candidates are not in favor of current Board policies.

Further, it would seem to me that a Resident should have a choice to vote or not.  If the required Proxy is tendered for a Quorum without also a Ballot, then does the Proxy holder have the right to vote on a Ballot?  My advice is that if a Resident chooses not to vote, then it better be noted on the Proxy, therefore limiting the Proxy to solely establishing a Quorum, and NOT for voting.

Other items to note regarding the annual meeting:

  • Sign-in for members and proxy holders will begin at 1:30 pm at the Community Center.
  • If you are a proxy holder, we encourage you to sign-in between 1:30 pm and 2:00 pm. 
  • The annual meeting begins at 3 pm.
  • Election materials (Ballots/Envelopes) will be available for those present in person at the meeting and will be provided to members and proxy holders accordingly.

If it was the intention to create a confusing atmosphere, then this Board, not surprisingly, has done it.  The Board has called for a Board Meeting to establish an assessment for the Aquarina Residents to partly pay for The Brassie Grille expansion; certainly a controversial matter.  You would think that a fair minded Board, realizing the controversy, would bring this forward after the election of new Board Candidates, but no. These current Board Directors want to scramble to pass the assessment before the Election.

The Board agenda shows an Open Forum at the end of the agenda, which may be heated. Do you realize the timing of this Board Meeting overlaps the time allotted for the Registration sign-in for the Meeting with the Directors’ Elections?  Intended?  Hmm.

How to avoid the apparent created distraction of this coming Election for Board Directors is for the Resident Voters to be focused on the following.

  • A priority action is to complete the Registration sign-in to verify your presence at the Meeting.
  • During your registration, make sure your name is associated with your Aquarina property address and you receive a Ballot.
  • If you bring in your Proxy, then make sure you keep it, and don’t give it to anyone unless it is destroyed it in your presence.  Your presence goes to establish a Quorum, and your Ballot will be for “you” to vote.  The Proxy is meaningless and could cause duplicates if it is not destroyed and given away.
  • If you emailed your Proxy, then make sure it was received.  Also make sure you decided how to vote, i.e. a Mail in Ballot (make sure it was received) or if you want the person assigned your Proxy to vote, then you note in your email for what Candidates the Proxy to vote, and it not being the voting decision of the Proxy holder.
  • If you mailed in your Ballot, then it should be noted on the Registration Book when you sign-in, and an additional Ballot should not be provided.  If you are told that your Ballot was not received, then we have an “Hmm” moment.   You can take another Ballot, but it should be noted in the Registration Book that it’s a second Ballot and why.

Remember, the Board, who is administrating the election, is in a self-serving position with the Proxy process. The Board majority is in jeopardy with five Board Director Positions open and 11 Candidates running.  Be diligent with the voting and how it is handled, to hopefully result in a fair Election.


A Time to Decide Our Future

Well folks, 11 Residents have thrown themselves into the ring to become an Aquarina Board Director. Three of these candidates appear to be current Directors hoping to continue their directorship, and I would think to continue Board policies. If at least two of these three candidates secure back their positions, then the current Board most likely will have the majority votes to continue their past ways.

However, if I am reading correctly, then some of these candidates’ blurbs on their beliefs for the Community are not necessarily the beliefs of the current Board. These non-Board candidates may be the hope for an Aquarina that will be whole Community oriented, and not be focused on all fun and cabal funded events. By the current Board’s neglecting Aquarina’s infrastructure and making it a low priority at best, the Residents will be looking at even higher costs down the road to replace what could have been restored.

Looking at the arrow illustration above, there are one of two directions to choose. The present Authority Rule and non-transparency with complacent and patronizing Compromise have not served the Whole Community. It’s time for a change where Consensus, and “Voting” for large expenditures, emerge to the forefront of how Aquarina should be democratically served.

Board Bullying Continues, and an Opportunity Emerges for the Residents

Two matters can be addressed. The first involves The Brassie Grille expansion.  The cabal Board seems to be moving forward on spending the Residents’ funds on this indulgent expense of expansion.   I went out for dinner recently on a Wednesday, about 6 PM, and tried two popular restaurants right up the road (Hwy A1A).  The first had an hour wait, and the second appeared packed too; however, a table for two opened for outdoor sitting, which we took. As I came home around 7:30 PM, I pulled into The Brassie Grille parking area.  There were no cars, and The Brassie Grille was dark.  What a contrast for these three restaurants, especially for this popular Easter time period.   . . . and an expansion is wanted?

The Board has a ploy to secure funds, in a circular way, which was implemented with the golf irrigation well.  The ploy is to have some of the cabal folks offer to pay (as lenders) for what the cabal desires, e.g. the well, the Brassie expansion, etc., and foist loans on the Residents at a healthy interest rate, to pay back to these individual cabal lenders. Hmm – it certainly is a win-win for the cabal. The cabal comes up with an acquisition and indulgent expense, creates loans from cabal members for its acquisition funding, and places the loans with very nice interest returns on the Residents.  The cabal reaps and secures what it wants, and has a payback of their loans with interest too.

The second matter concerns the election of five director positions this spring.  Five of the seven director positions need to be filled; April 18, 2022 is the deadline for submitting an application to be a candidate.  This situation is a huge opportunity for Aquarina’s Silent Majority to step forward and take control of the Board, and change the direction the community has suffered for the past several years, i.e. a selfish Board control where one social stratum is served, and the other social stratum is ignored.  In other words, the care and oversight of the Whole Community, as opposed to the funding of the cabal’s entertainment and socializing. Both are parts of a healthy community, but there has been a selfish imbalance existing for far too long.

There needs to be five like-minded candidates for these five open positions. The opportunity for a positive and fresh approach to Aquarina is at hand for the taking. Are there any among the Silent Majority, who may coalesce together as a united force of change?  Cabal members understand this dilemma for themselves, and certainly will rally to place five of their followers on these coming open positions.  Will Aquarina’s Silent Majority speak?

Propaganda, Spin, and “We’ll Do What We Want.”

AGI Debt Financing Brassie.png

Nothing like color graphs, charts, etc. to give credence to a false and weak argument. What you see above is a mishmash of data and statements with no sense of continuity, a confusing sequence of data strings, and a lack of common reference. It shows contradictory and scattered numbers from different sources that don’t amount to anything. With this reasoning presented, do you really want these folks to be responsible to spend your $500,000? This could be scorched line by line, but why waste the time; the Residents can see for themselves the blunder and confusion of it all. It’s all spin, propaganda, and misdirection, and the Board doesn’t do itself any favors with its attempt at a PowerPoint Presentation.

It all can be explained in a simple way, i.e. show us the Profit and Loss Statements of the Brassie Grille over the past three years without the subsidies from the Residents’ Funds. Let the Residents see how the renovated and expanded restaurant has the profits to come up with a down payment and pay the amortization of the loan amount. Show us the profit per table and the expected extra tables the renovation will accommodate. It’s all in the numbers. Show us the contractor’s proposal of how the $500,000 will be spent; be transparent.

The only way to change this “We’ll do what we want” mentality of the Board is to have a newly elected Board of Directors, whose goal is for the sustainability of the whole Community through its infrastructure, its maintenance, its presentation to the public, and the safety and welfare of its Residents. Right now we have a Board that’s focused on spending the Residents’ Funds on non-priority projects, and without the Residents’ approval.

The entrance to the community, e.g. roadway, gates, lighting, etc., needs to be addressed now, and not 2-3 years from now because of the excuse that the Reserves for the roadways need to be further funded. If $500,000 can be borrowed for a discretionary indulgence, i.e Brassie Grille expansion/renovation, then why can’t we spend the $500,000 on an immediate need, i.e. the community entrance, which certainly will better serve the WHOLE community?

Choices to be Made; Priorities Chosen

An example of road infrastructure conditions, and a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Seen again, and again, and again. A poor design, poor engineering, a poor choice, and no apparent maintenance, e.g. there are plastic wingnuts securing the pole gates that should be checked regularly, since the constant movement loosens them daily. I’ve tightened them after fixing a dangling pole. Oh yes, in addition to again and again, there’s BUMP, BUMP, BUMP, as we enter and leave the Aquarina entrance (all those sunken pavers).

It’s been this way for years, i.e. lettering not centered, not level, and a sign in need of cleaning. “Welcome to Aquarina . . .” Nothing like first impressions.

A listing and off centered sign as the first impression of Aquarina for entering guests. “Gee – it looks like entering a 5 digit pin may topple the whole thing.”

A near 40 year roadway with no maintenance or updating.

It’s been like this for years. Is pressure washing an over budget item?

More of the same.

. . . and more.

Yet still more.

Our roadway entrance, which has been in this condition for years.

Now here’s a crosswalk with clear visibility when entering.

Yes, it’s been this way for years.

Do you see what our roadways should look like? This is one of our Aquarina neighborhoods where maintenance of its roadways is a priority. The obvious contrast of priorities is clear.

We are told that on February 15, 2022, the Board will provide an open forum with limited speaking time for the Residents to discuss the expansion of The Brassie Grille. A lot can be said on this expansion for the Aquarina Community.  It appears that the Board wants to plead their case for the necessity of this HUGE EXPENSE.


I can tell you from being in the real estate business for decades, and having done and paid for renovations and remodels, that any cost we will be told will be much more for many reasons.

  • A remodel/renovation can be a like a Pandora’s Box and a Can of Worms all wrapped into one.  You knock down walls, rip up flooring, take down ceilings, and sometimes you don’t know what you’ll find that can change the whole direction of your project. Do you think that may add to the project’s cost?
  • In this current environment of supplies, labor, and rampant inflation, is anything expected to remain stable?  Projects all over are not on schedule with far out estimates at best when deliveries will be made, and supplies and parts being available.  Do you think that may add to the project’s cost?
  • As the reality of a project evolves, what is on paper can be different from the actual construction and its appearance.  The results can lead to unexpected subtle changes and additions to what was initially intended, as the reality of the project emerges in real time. Do you think that may add to the project’s cost?
  • A remodel/renovation is a fluid event, and its initial projection of cost will be more than initially thought.  The last estimate was around $700,000.  Trust me, the cost will hover at near $1,000,000.  This is an indulgence and an extravagance. There are many other priority items needed for Aquarina rather than this toy.


  • The Brassie Grille has always been a pleasant, convenient, and comfort food establishment over these many years.  That was its intention for the community, and it worked.  I see less everyday traffic now at the restaurant than I’ve seen in the past, even factoring “Covid”.  Other nearby restaurants up and down the highway are constantly filled.  Maybe the original business model of convenience and comfort food needs to return.  The current restaurant layout accompanied this business model.  Sure, some better equipment could be installed and work stations adjusted, but an expansion is beyond the original business model, i.e. convenience and comfort food, which worked. Does the Spessard Holland course need a fancy restaurant to draw folks? Their parking lot is always filled with players.  Maybe their business model should be studied and exercised at Aquarina.
  • It’s apparent to most in Aquarina that there is a group of golfers, some tennis players, and social types that have an agenda for their entertainment, and they want to foist their plans to support and embellish this entertainment juggernaut upon the Residents, e.g. The Brassie Grille expansion, regular social events, and golf course embellishments.  Does the whole community participate in this entertainment juggernaut? NO.  Has the Aquarina Community, through its fees, subsidized this entertainment juggernaut for this social segment? YES. Does the entertainment for a community “segment” warrant a near $1,000,000 expense to be paid on the backs of the “whole” community to provide a “theater/stage” for its social events?  Socialization in a community is healthy and positive, but when it’s skewed to a few at the cost of others; there needs to be a pause and a regrouping to formulate a total community approach. 
  • The Board focus is more on entertainment than the work at hand, which is to maintain a safe and secure community in a cost effective manner.  The priority is to establish a daily maintenance schedule, fund the reserves for replacement and repairs (not Betterments, i.e. added costly amenities), be vigilant with keeping Aquarina a jewel in its presentation to the public, and supporting its infrastructure and appearance, which in turn will keep up home and neighborhood values.  This is especially so if the Board’s mantra would be to keep maintenance fees down, which also bolsters home values, and spend less time with spending on projects, i.e. Betterments.


  1. Asked at the last town hall presentation with no answer was:


  • An expansion of this magnitude certainly should be supported with a cash flow stream to substantiate its cost.


  • With a potentially near $1,000,000 expense foisted on the Residents’ backs, it would be prudent to have the Residents have a say on this expense.



  • There are preliminary costs to determine a design, pay governmental permitting fees, hire an architect for required plans, funds to cover a loss of revenue during construction, etc.



  • Major remodeling, which this would certainly be, requires upgrades to the entire building to meet current building codes, especially for hurricane protection.  Because of The Brassie Grille’s proximity to the ocean, Windstorm Insurance Rates are higher.


  • An expanded facility would be expected to incur more employees, more equipment, and more furnishings, etc.


  • It would be expected that the Board discussed this expansion project, and it would have been voted on as a Board.





It’s all pretty simple.  Aquarina’s infrastructure, e.g. roads, entrance, gates, etc. are all in the need of repair and replacement.  The roads and entrance are nearing 40 years with no history of replacement or upgrading.  Addressing the infrastructure is an immediate concern with no plan in place other than kicking the can down the road (no pun intended) with a “to be discussed mentality”.

Yet, here we are discussing a comfort food restaurant’s transformation into a theater/stage and temple of pleasure for upscale meals, and a venue for parties and social events.  It is not being said that these activities are sinful and unwanted.  It is being said that these activities are not a priority and need to be measured with the demands of the whole community, i.e. addressing an upgraded entrance and roadways, and reserves accelerated in accumulation to be ready for a near 40 year old infrastructure in need of repairs and replacement.

The whole community wins with an entrance and road upgrade, which will notably raise home values.  The Brassie Grille expansion, with the current needs of the community, is a demonstration that our current Board’s agenda for Aquarina seems to show a selfish attempt to satisfy a segment that are more concerned with their personal enjoyment, among its group, than a focus on maintaining and providing a safe and secure community, as what should be the Board priority.

Fix Aquarina with a focus of the WHOLE community.  Keep the Betterments spending of our funds off the table until the infrastructure of Aquarina, which is its foundation, is addressed and fixed. THESE, MY FELLOW NEIGHBORS, ARE THE MORAL AND FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITIES OF AN HOA BOARD.