More on this Covid-19 Vaccine

Controversy continues with the Covid-19 Vaccine.  Here are some reported facts that you will not hear or see from the mainstream media.

The following do not have a mandate for their employees to be vaccinated.

  • The World Health Organization (WHO).
  • The National Institute of Health (NIH).
  • The Federal Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Pfizer Pharmaceutical.  BTW – the CEO hasn’t been vaccinated, i.e. Albert Bourla .
  • Center for Disease Control (CDC).

The alleged “vaccine” is considered an emergency procedure, which technically cannot be mandated as an official vaccine; however, today the FDA will have it approved as an official vaccine.  What is disconcerting about this action is that, according to FDA guidelines, the vaccine testing should demonstrate at least a 50% success rate for virus prevention.  The current Covid-19 Vaccine’s success rate is in the 30% range. It appears medicine and science are again politicized or maybe weaponized for a forced agenda.


Notes – above information sourced from and Dr. Robert Malone (See previous post).

Remember, do your research, and make the choice that is best for you. We live in a country where there is freedom of choice for ourselves and for our families.

The Covid-19 Virus and the Vaccine

We have been hearing from the Administration and the mainstream media that being vaccinated is the road to recovery from the Virus. This mandate is based on Authoritative Medicine with no real evidence based, date based, and science based reasoning. Many science and medical experts throughout the world specializing in the fields of infectious disease, viral disease, vaccinations, pandemics, etc. have questioned the political call for the vaccination mandate. It’s a mandate with fluctuating, unclear, changing, and unsupported facts. The Administration has not provided documented scientific proof to support its demands though there is documented proof to question these demands.


Better Pathology

Connecting people with information needed to live their best possible lives.

Welcome and Thank You to All New Followers

by Kevin Homer, MD

August 1, 2021

If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred.

― Walt Whitman

How should we define victory in the war on the pandemic?  My vision may surprise you.  I think our objective should be not dying.  Death rates should be our success metric, and the preservation of our institutions and freedoms our goal.  We can accomplish this by making smart individual decisions, not sweeping collective ones.  We cannot allow our society to be fractured into camps of the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

The universal vaccination mandates sweeping across our nation now are more dangerous than the current wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections.  Don’t believe me?  Check out the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker.  Deaths from COVID-19 are at their lowest levels since the pandemic began.  Yet on pain of job loss, we are pushing vaccines into the arms of our young who have the most to lose and least to gain.

Don’t get me wrong.  Vaccination is an important tool in our effort to save people from dying of COVID-19.  Those at greatest risk—the old, the obese, the diabetics—should strongly consider vaccination for their own safety.  Vaccines also reduce the spread of COVID-19 within a community.  When vaccines became available in late December, community infection rates declined as vaccination rates went up.  But that doesn’t mean that vaccination is in the best interest of every individual.

Wait, I hear you say, we must vaccinate everybody to contain breakthrough and stop the spread of the virus.  Especially hospital workers—I want to know that people taking care of me are vaccinated so they won’t make me sick.  Nice theory, but where’s the data that supports the idea that vaccinated people can’t make you sick, that vaccines contain breakthrough and stop the spread of the disease?  I’ve looked; I can’t find it.  If you have it, please share it with me.

I see data that supports the opposite theory.  In last Friday’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), the CDC reported a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in a highly vaccinated community.  Some were shocked to learn that three-quarters of these cases occurred in fully vaccinated individuals, that the viral loads between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals were identical, and that four out of five patients sick enough to be hospitalized were fully vaccinated.  This report supports one of the points made last week: vaccination doesn’t prevent COVID-19.  Breakthrough cases occur, and the vaccinated can spread the virus.  Universal vaccination will fail as a containment strategy.

But, you persist, we have to vaccinate everybody before new variants emerge that will be even more dangerous.  After all, you say, 90% of the virus in the reported outbreak were delta variant.  True, this outbreak was mostly delta variant, but delta variant is now the dominant variant in the U. S. because of its higher transmissibility, just like alpha variant replaced original SARS-CoV-2 earlier in the year.  Where is the evidence that universal vaccination prevents formation of more dangerous variants?  Again, I’ve looked, and I don’t find it.  If you have it, please share it with me.

Infectious disease orthodoxy says the opposite.  Indiscriminate use of anti-biologic agents pressure pathogens to mutate, increasing their virulence.  Doctors are reprimanded for treating viral illnesses with antibacterial agents (“antibiotics”) because they have potential for more harm than good.  The same is true for vaccines designed to prevent infections by viruses that easily mutate. That’s one reason we don’t have vaccines for the common cold—the target moves too quickly, and infection is not that dangerous to most people.  Universal vaccination will fail to prevent emergence of variants.

If universal vaccination becomes our objective in the war against the pandemic, deaths may increase, surges may continue, and more dangerous variants may emerge, but won’t we feel good about our vaccination rates?  The pandemic has an enemy; it’s not the unvaccinated.

There is another way.  Allow doctors to make individualized decisions for treatment and vaccination in the best interest of each patient.  If we do all we can to help those at risk, deaths will continue to go down.  The virus may never go away, but we can learn to live with it.  We can also preserve our institutions and freedoms, and we can stop dividing people.  We can stay alive.


Dr. Robert Malone (MD and MS) both medical doctor and viral scientist, delineates how the vaccine should not be a mandate for our populous ( He is data based, evidence based, and science based, with his facts. See some of the facts from and about Dr. Malone below.

  • He is the inventor of the foundation and framework of current vaccines and how they work, i.e. called Mrna.
  • He has worked for all the big pharmaceutical companies, the Dept. of Defense , and the CDC.
  • The current vaccine is considered a “leaky vaccine” because folks still contract and pass the virus, after receiving the vaccine; the vaccine empowers the virus since the virus can escape from the vaccine’s immunization process ( see article from Dr. Homer above).
  • The before vaccine experiments did not include a placebo group, which could have shown that non-vaccinated had the same resilience as the vaccinated. In addition, no experiments were finalized to see if the vaccine produces dangerous enhancers that could make other internal diseases worse. The known 0mmission of these test results have been now proven to come to fruition in many of the vaccinated. There have been more debilitating conditions with this vaccine than any other vaccine.
  • The CDC reported, in the NY Times, that Pfizer acknowledges that the vaccine has some issues and that other means are available for addressing Covid-19. They itemized the medications that could be used. They are considered re-purpose drugs, since these drugs have been used for decades and are FDA approved. They are Vitamin D, Apixaban, Fluvoxamine, Famotidine, Celecoxib, and Ivermectin.

BTW – check out the CDC website about the Covid-19 test. Apparently, now the test’s false/positive results are too numerous, and there is a question as to the test’s ability to distinguish Covid-19 Virus from other viruses. A new test is coming in the fall.

Again, the Bottom Line – do your research and make your own decision what’s best for you.

Aquarina’s Mask Mandate – Thoughts

It appears that the Board has taken a political position within the community and foisted its position upon the Residents with the Covid-19 “flu”. It’s now a requirement to wear a mask when in The Brassie Grille, the Golf Shop, and the Tennis Shop. It’s following an authoritarian medical posture similar to and as directed by the current Federal Administration.  It is ignoring the evidence based, data based, and science based information that the mainstream media also has ignored.  They would rather push an agenda of political medicine, in an obvious manner of country and community control.  However, it’s also understood that there are those who may feel more comfortable wearing a mask in certain situations, but that should occur in an environment of choice, and not in an environment of an entrance requirement.  Remember, the CDC (Center of Disease Control) “recommends” wearing a mask in certain circumstances.  Remember also, the CDC’s history of Covid-19 Virus announcements has included unreliability, interpretive statements, backpedaling, and retractions.

Here are some facts on masks and Covid-19.

  • The N-95 mask, other than full on oxygen supplying masks, is the closest mask for possible protection available, if masks are insisted upon.  Yet, even this mask is nowhere full proof, and any efficacy depends on how it is used and how it was cared for by its owner or maybe owners.  Yes, owners.
  • The N-95 mask suppresses objects greater than 0.3 microns, the Corona Virus is 0.1 micron and can easily pass through the mask.
  • The eyes have as much susceptibility to human entry by the virus as does the nose and mouth. BTW – how many folks have you seen with their masks below their nose?  Hospital workers wear goggles when in contact with Covid-19 patients.
  • Do we know how folks have handled their masks? Is it stored in a sanitized plastic bag or container when not in use?  Is it sanitized after each use?  Is it touched by hands not sanitized? I could go on and on with mask care.  The mask is like a filter and accumulates airborne particles, and it’s right on your face.  There is no knowing how it’s been managed by the person wearing it, who may be sitting next to you.
  • Now masks will be required in The Brassie Grille.  The requirement of masks for patrons in a restaurant/bar is not sensible.  You wear it into the restaurant/bar, and then you remove it to eat and drink. By removing it, you touch it and place it where, your sanitized pocket, the sanitized table or counter? Oh yes, when you remove it, does the Covid-19 Virus know now to avoid you when eating and drinking? Or is there a protective magical bubble that encompasses you when imbibing and eating?
  • Our Governor, Ron DeSantis, has opened up Florida from lock-downs, and does not require the wearing of masks in public settings, and prohibits any punishment for not wearing them.  Though business owners may require masks, which is the business owners’ decision, i.e. which can be considered a controlling decision in itself.
  • The Federal Administration has not provided any data based, evidence based, and science based information on mask effectiveness protecting folks from the Virus. They have not provided any peer based review of studies with the mask. All we hear are Federal Covid-19 political mask directives without medical merit.
  • The federal Covid-19 Czar and spokesperson, “Dr.” Anthony Fauci has said at the outset of the pandemic that cloth masks do not stop the penetration of the Covid-19 virus particle. Further, he continues to waffle on all matters of the pandemic.

Here’s what we know.

  • Masks appear, for some, to be fashion statements and a badge of political belief and a political following setting them apart from non-mask wearers. Have you seen people driving in a vehicle by themselves with a mask on? What?
  • We have been told not to wear a mask, to wear a mask, to wear multiple masks, to again not to wear a mask, multiple times without scientific reason.
  • The Covid-19 Test and the recent Covid-19 Vaccine have now been debunked by the CDC (Center for Disease Control). This will be explained in a Coming Soon Post.
  • The Covid-19 Virus, though virulent, has a typical virus profile as many past viruses. It is recoverable for most folks within a week or so; however, those with pre-existing and existing conditions, and the elderly are more susceptible and vulnerable to a more serious outbreak from the Virus. I know folks who allegedly tested positive for the Covona-19 Virus and recovered in several days.  They were non-vaccinated and recuperated with readily available medicines.
  • There is a strong argument that this Covid-19 Virus has been overplayed by the Federal Administration and the main stream media. It could be said that it has been weaponized to enforce a political agenda of control over our populous. Think about it, what we have been going through within these past two years is unprecedented.
  • Two strong political factions are emerging from the chaos that do not seem to be able to work together for the good of our country, i.e. one faction is determined to go in the direction of a far left political movement, and the other is determined to maintain the Constitutional values we have had and continue to have.

Bottom Line – Do your own research and make your own decision on mask use.

More to continue . . .

A Resident’s Further Curfew Concerns

This Blog provides a platform for Residents to express themselves with Aquarina Community matters. It encourages an open dialogue where folks can share information for the betterment of all. Below is a series of events involving the pesticide, Curfew, that our Board has decided to use on our golf course as the Board’s remedy for insect pest control.

A Resident’s Concerns

One of our fellow Residents has thoughts on the ongoing and current state of affairs with our Aquarina Community and its Board of Directors. He is not alone with these concerns. See his recent newsletter below.

Here We Go Again

About four months ago this Blog thanked the Board on its finally adding a hand railing to the south beach crossover like the north access has enjoyed. However, it appears that the thanks was premature since the expected completion has never been done. The excuse told was that it has been too windy to complete the work. For four months? Hmm.

You would think that any welding that needed to be done could have been completed at the welder’s shop with the welded pieces then attached (bolted) to the existing wood railing. Regardless, four months of wind as an excuse?

Could it be assumed that if this was a golf or Brassie matter, then the job would be completed posthaste. As has been reported here, the beach amenities are the most used by the Residents compared to the other Aquarina amenities. However, as always, the golf cabal and its sibling, the Brassie, are the Board’s full focus.

The Board’s recent newsletter states about a renovation and an expansion of the Brassie. It also notes how AGI (golf, tennis, and the Brassie) are for profit entities run by the Board. Hmm. We already know about the transparency of how these entities are run, i.e.minimal. Remember also, how the Residents’ funds are used to subsidize these entities. Our subsidies make them appear to be breakeven or slightly profitable businesses.

And then there is the forgotten community pool. Do you think that the Brassie expansion cost will diminish any funding for the pool? An expanded restaurant is a community risk, since the Board is responsible – by its choice, ergo, again, the Residents’ responsibility. The restaurant business can be very tricky, e.g. some bad meals and unruly service can crush this type of business. All this risk will be placed on the Aquarina Residents. Would a pool have this risk? Rather lease out the Brassie facility to professionals in the hospitality industry and maybe provide some Board oversight, but certainly not the financial and liability responsibilities.

The overriding concern is that the Board cabal continues to make huge financial decisions that cost the Residents many dollars, and the Residents are not given an opportunity to have a voice. Again, the Board’s priorities are not global for the whole community, but are focused on self-serving priorities for some. These priorities need to be proportioned for all.